NVIDIA Firmware Tools (MFT) Mellanox-NATIVE-NMST  Mellanox-MFT-Tools 下载地址

图片[1]-NVIDIA Firmware Tools (MFT) Mellanox-NATIVE-NMST  Mellanox-MFT-Tools 下载地址-UU技术社区

NVIDIA Firmware Tools (MFT) Mellanox-NATIVE-NMST  Mellanox-MFT-Tools 下载地址

NVIDIA Firmware Tools (MFT)

The MFT package is a set of firmware management tools used to:

  • Generate a standard or customized NVIDIA firmware image Querying for firmware information
  • Burn a firmware image

The following is a list of the available tools in MFT, together with a brief description of what each tool performs.

MFT Tools
mstThis tool provides the following functions:
    * Starts/stops the register access driver
    * Lists the available mst devices
mlxburnThis tool provides the following functions:
    * Generation of a standard or customized NVIDIA firmware image for burning (in binary or .mlx format)
    * Burning an image to the Flash/EEPROM attached to a NVIDIA HCA or switch device
    * Querying the firmware version loaded on an NVIDIA network adapter
    * Displaying the VPD (Vital Product Data) of an NVIDIA network adapter
flintThis tool burns a firmware binary image or an expansion ROM image to the Flash device of a NVIDIA network adapter/gateway/switch device. It includes query functions to the burnt firmware image and to the binary image file.
Debug utilitiesA set of debug utilities (e.g., itrace, fwtrace, mlxtrace, mlxdump, mstdump, mlxmcg, wqdump, mcra, mlxi2c, i2c, mget_temp, and pckt_drop)

MFT Releases: Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, VMware ESX Server

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