
vCenter updates certificates for ESXi hosts, resolves vCenter not showing host certificates issue

问题描述: 在对vCenter进行深度巡检工作时检测出1台ESXi主机证书已过期,但是在vCenter选择对应ESXi主机—配置—证书后发现并不能显示出ESXi主机的证书,并且点击更新和刷新CA证书均无效,如图...
1 year ago
vCenter Server删除无效(无法移除)许可证-UU技术社区

vCenter Server removes invalid (cannot be removed) license

Scenario: As shown in the figure, there is a previously assigned evaluation license in vCenter Server (version 7.0.3) that has not been enabled and has been consistently ignored after expiration. For some reason (possibly due to multiple migrations and upgrades of vC), the license has been
2 years ago

Resolved: vMotion based on source network type does not support the type of target network

Outlook: When using the cross-vCenter Server export wizard of VMware vCenter (migrating or cloning a virtual machine to another site) to the "Select Network" step, it will report "vMotion based on the source network type does not support the type of the target network" Compatibility mistake. Report...
2 years ago
解决浏览器访问VMware vCenter隐私设置错误-UU技术社区

Solve the privacy setting error when accessing VMware vCenter through browser

When you use the vSphere Web Client to connect to a vCenter Server system, your web browser displays a message similar to: There is a problem with this website's security certificate. It is not a specialized...
2 years ago