

快到新年啦,给网站添加个喜庆的特效,希望访问UU的朋友们也能有个好心情,在新的一年心想事成! 无意间在wpdaxue.com看到,觉得还不错,搬运过来分享给大家,喜欢的也拿去装饰一下自己的网站吧...
超级漂亮的 AI 官网源码 AI 网站首页自适应源码-UU技术社区

Super beautiful AI official website source code AI website homepage adaptive source code

Nowadays, AI is in a hot era. There is a super beautiful AI official website homepage adaptive source code, which is very suitable for designing an attractive homepage. This source code is adaptive and can adapt to different screen sizes and device types. This AI official website homepage source...
layuiAdminv1.7.1 std-UU技术社区

layuiAdminv1.7.1 std

LayuiAdmin is a set of pure static HTML web interface templates, composed of open-source and free Layui basic components and page template demos, without any backend programs or server code such as database storage. By using this webpage template, developers can save a lot of front-end work
4 years ago